Below you will find the San Angelo MPO Plans. The plans that we currently have are the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Moving People and Things 2045 the Public Participation Plan, and the San Angelo Bike-Pedestrian Plan (Bike-Ped Plan).
In an effort to ensure everyone has a voice in the transportation planning process, the MPO encourages citizens to express their ideas on projects, issues, and needs within our community. Together we can make San Angelo great. Please use the public comment form on our Join the Discussion page to comment on any of these plans.
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) San Angelo Mobility 2050
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) - Moving People and Things Through and Within San Angelo 2045
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Moving People and Things Through and Within San Angelo 2045, is the MPO’s long-range plan that has a twenty-five year focus and is updated every five years. This plan was adopted on November 19, 2019, and covers fiscal years 2020 to 2045. The plan identifies long-range transportation needs, prioritizes programs and projects, provides a means for regional brainstorming on transportation aspects and serves as the basis for the planning needs and decision-making guidelines for the MPO Board. This is accomplished through identifying present and future transportation corridors, forecasting transportation needs and growth patterns, providing estimated costs for implementation of those needs and including other innovative approaches to transportation.
The purpose of Moving People and Things 2045 is to systematize multi-modal transportation planning for all modes of travel and thus ensure that plans, programs and policies are interconnected and also to provide transportation coordination among the city, county, state and other entities. This is accomplished thru integration of both metropolitan and regional planning. This integration will give the ability to meet the transportation challenges ahead and effectively and efficiently gather the resources to overcome them. The long-range plan incorporates a multi-modal approach to transportation planning and includes not only roadways, but also transit, airports, train, freight, bike-ways and pedestrian travel.
This multi-modal approach helps illustrate the growing importance of alternative means of transportation in our increasing diverse society. San Angelo’s economy, prosperity, and standard of living are dependent on several factors. As residents we require access to jobs, health care and education. We want access to churches and parks to enrich our lives. Businesses need access to raw materials and customers. In addition, consumable items such as groceries and gas must be brought to San Angelo for residents and businesses alike. All these factors rely on transportation. A comprehensive transportation network which incorporates freight routes, urban traffic needs and alternative modes of transportation enables San Angelo to provide for the needs of residents, businesses and visitors. In contrast, an uncoordinated transportation network is inefficient and ineffective in providing these services.
This long range plan is a financially constrained document that includes a wish list of projects that could be implemented as funding becomes available. Updates to the long-range plan will be part of the planning process and will incorporate changes as they become necessary.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan will continue the planning efforts for a comprehensive transportation network. The Plan enables construction of transportation facilities in places where they will be best used and allows the City’s growth to be directed toward the most suitable areas for industry, neighborhoods and services. The Plan also provides a long-range focus for planning which helps to ensure that community needs are met well into the future.
In October of 2020 the Policy Board voted to amend the 2045 MTP by adding Category 5339 Transit funds made available in Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020 expected to be spent in Fiscal Year 2021.
*Click below to download past and present long-range plans.

Public Participation Plan (PPP)
Whether you are a member of the MPO or a private citizen, you have a role to play with the MPO. The MPO Policy Board makes decisions in a cooperative manner and they are responsible to the residents of the region for the quality of transportation services and the impact of transportation on the overall quality of life. This means the members share the responsibility for making sure that major transportation issues of today and tomorrow are dealt with fairly and properly.
The San Angelo Metropolitan Planning Organization is dedicated to the citizens of the community and are always willing to listen and take comments. As a member of the community, you have the opportunity to get involved with the organization and share your thoughts and ideas.
The Public Participation Plan (PPP) is the official procedural document for the San Angelo MPO to ensure transportation planning processes include input from the citizens, advisory committees, private transportation providers, agencies, and other interested parties and stakeholders.
San Angelo Metropolitan Planning Organization recognizes the importance of public participation and our goal is transportation system that provides for:
- The public being fully informed about transportation issues throughout the process.
- The public having adequate opportunities to express opinions and concerns about transportation issues in an orderly manner and appropriate forum.
- Transportation plans, policies, and decisions have public support.
We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, to stay current on transportation news and events for our area.
*Click below to download the San Angelo Public Participation Plan.

Transportation Improvement Plan - TIP 2025 - 2028
Transportation Improvement Program-TIP
Transportation planning has several elements and components, and is approached differently in every area. The fundamentals of planning involve collecting and analyzing data, identifying current and future problems, developing solutions to address them and identifying financial resources that will be sufficient to cover the costs of implementing the plans. Planning for the transportation system is essential because transportation affects every aspect of everything that we do. Whether it is making a trip to the store, visiting family and friends or communing to work, transportation in some mode is involved.
Mandated transportation planning began in 1962 when Congress passed legislation that required urban areas to in transportation planning in order to receive federal transportation planning dollars. The best way to state this requirement is that cities that have a population of more than 50,000 cannot spend federal transportation funds on projects unless a transportation plan is in place.
While MPOs have several required documents that help to facilitate the transportation planning process, two documents are essential. This document, the Transportation Improvement Program and the long-range transportation plan also called the Metropolitan Transportation Plan. The MTP is a twenty-five year document that is the primary source of information for the formulation and review of the Transportation Improvement Program for the metropolitan area.
The purpose of the MTP is to systematize multi-modal transportation planning for all modes of travel and thus ensure that plans, programs and policies are interconnected and provide transportation coordination among the city, county, state and other entities. The combination of these documents and the stakeholders provide valuable resources that are used to meet the transportation challenges ahead. The MTP incorporates a multi-modal approach to transportation planning and includes not only roadways, but also transit, airports, train, freight, bikeways and pedestrian travel.
The fiscal years 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program is broken down into five main sections:
• Background Information
• Transportation Improvement Program Development
• San Angelo Metropolitan Planning Organization
• Projects
• Appendices
In October 2020 an amendment to the FY2019-2022 and FY2021-2024 TIPS was added and accepted by the Policy Board. This amendment will go into these plans during the November 2020 amendment opportunity.